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District Digest

In this week’s District Digest, startups increase revenues and receive federal funding for expansion. Graphite Innovation and Technologies awarded $2.4M contract by Transport Canada and more.

District Digest

This week in our District Digest, market expansions and support for startup public communications were reported. Dalhousie professor, Dr Joanne Langley appointed to co-lead Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine…

Life Sciences Industry Continues to Grow

In July, the life sciences industry in Halifax continued to see strong growth, fueled by innovative ventures that are combating COVID-19. Start-ups and companies in the District continue to…

District Digest

In this week’s District Digest, startups and organizations receive funding and resource support for growth. BioNova calls early-stage startups to apply to #BIC2020 and more.

District Digest

District startups and organizations receive funding and sign international partnerships for growth in this week’s digest. Canada’s Ocean Supercluster makes second call for proposals and more.

District Digest

In this week’s digest, the local startup community offers support to customers as they reopen. Halifax-based Clean Valley Bio-Filtration Technologies tests innovative filter for bio-masks and more.

New creative solutions and successful funding rounds

June brought new innovations and successful funding rounds for startups and scaleups B-line, B4, FoodByte, Bloxo and more in Halifax's Innovation District.

Fresh strides, more needed to support diversity in innovation

Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic saturated the news in April and May, the innovation and startup segment in greater Halifax in June focused on diversity and inclusivity.

District Digest

This week in our District Digest, entrepreneurial ecosystem produces more tech talent and jobs with international expansions. BIO Innovation Challenge opens registration to Health and Biotech…

Startups to Enhance the Oceantech Sector

The Ocean Startup Project was created in an effort to create, grow, and attract high-quality ocean technology companies.

District Digest

In this week’s District Digest, Early stage startup Bloxo make strides despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Sona Nano Tech stocks surges up 123% and many more.

District Digest

Featured in this week’s digest, district startups and organizations push to combat COVID-19 and support businesses recover from the pandemic; Tenera care gets accepted into the CDL recovery program…