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This website will be retired soon - please go to Innovate in Halifax on the Halifax Partnership website.

Innovate in Halifax

Located in the heart of Halifax, on both sides of the harbour, the Halifax Innovation District is a technology and research-dense community of entrepreneurs, post-secondary institutions, R&D facilities, startups and scaleups, established firms, and innovation hubs that are working together to develop and commercialize new ideas, products, and services. 

The District offers a culture of collaboration and ingenuity, and it’s an incredible community where you can access everything you need to grow your company at every stage.

Connect to Business & Talent

Our Innovation District is home to more than 2,100 companies including startups, scaleups and established firms in Halifax's growing IT, life sciences, cleantech, financial services, ocean tech, and transportation and logistics sectors. It also offers companies access to one of the most concentrated talent pipelines in Canada graduating from the city's seven post-secondary institutions. 


startups and scaleups


Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Firms


of Halifax companies with 500+ employees




students enrolled in universities and colleges


STEM enrolments across Halifax universities

  • Erin O'Keefe Graham, Director Photo

    We look at our founders as our customers. We want to make it easier for them to get into the program and connect with the right people so that we can become the most collaborative part of the ecosystem across the region.

    Erin O'Keefe Graham, Director
    Emera ideaHUB