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Halifax Proposify Web

For Halifax, our Innovation District provides a platform to connect more startups, scaleups, and established companies to our innovation assets and opportunities. It also allows us to leverage and build upon Halifax’s unique strengths – our ocean advantage, educated workforce and top-notch institutions, our strategic location and excellent quality of life, and our vibrant startup community and established firms – to scale-up innovation and accelerate growth.

Growing a culture based on ideas, innovation-driven entrepreneurship, and collaborations between private, public, post-secondary, and community partners is a key strategy in achieving People. Planet. Prosperity. Halifax Inclusive Economic Strategy 2022-2027 which is led by Halifax Partnership and the Halifax Regional Municipality. 

Like other cities and regions that invest in innovation, Halifax will be in the position to experience greater economic growth, generate high-wage high-value jobs, and attract top talent and companies from around the world.

Innovation Goals

Collectively, we aim to increase the number of viable high-growth startups and scaleups and grow our knowledge-based economy by:

  • Advancing the Halifax Innovation District.
  • Developing innovative solutions to social, environmental, and civic challenges and opportunities through the Halifax Innovation Outpost.
  • Creating the conditions and assets to support startups and scaleups.
  • Fostering inclusive growth (enhancing the role of underrepresented groups in entrepreneurial activity).



The Halifax Innovation Outpost is working with private, public, post-secondary, and community partners on initiatives to help address complex social, environmental, and civic challenges and advance the role of innovation within our corporate and municipal government.

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Global Network of Innovation Districts 

Halifax Innovation District has teamed up with an ambitious group of innovation districts worldwide to advance one of the most promising models for 21st century innovation, work, and urban living.

Launched in March 2022, the Global Network seeks to maximise the potential of innovation districts by learning from high quality research and by sharing best practices developed within ambitious districts around the world. These insights will help governments and investors see how to help innovation districts to be engines of economic development, social inclusion and investment.

Over the next two years, Halifax will receive cutting-edge analysis of our district from The Global Institute on Innovation Districts, which leads the Global Network, and will participate in deep strategic sessions with districts to help develop new approaches and systems for catalyzing our growth. 

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